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Current Course Catalog

For demo purposes, select the IST designator.

A&S - Arts & Society-Humanities (14)
AAT - Administra Asst Program (41)
AC - Accounting MCTC (10)
ACB - Anatomy & Cell Biology (36)
ACC - Accountancy (81)
ACCT - Accounting (21)
AE - Adult Education (53)
AGT - Agricultural Technology (80)
AH - Allied Health (14)
ANA - Anatomy (14)
ANR - Agriculture & Nat Resourses (2)
ANT - Anthropology (124)
APT - Applied Process Technology (14)
ARB - Arabic (4)
ART - Art (211)
ARTH - Art History (6)
ARTS - Art Studio (8)
ASC - Academic Skills Center (6)
ASL - American Sign Language MCTC (18)
ATE - Adult & Technical Education (170)
AUT - Automative Technology (11)
AVT - Aviation Technology (13)
BE - Business Education (41)
BEHA - Behave (1)
BIC - Biochemistry (21)
BIO - Biology (21)
BIOL - Biology-MCTC (15)
BMS - Biomedical Science (27)
BOT - Botany (23)
BSC - Biological Science (140)
BUS - Business (85)
BUSN - Business-LCOB (1)
C&G - Counseling & Guidance (35)
CA - Culinary Arts (20)
CC - Community College (22)
CD - Communication Disorders (114)
CE - Civil Engineering (84)
CHE - Chemical Engineering (58)
CHM - Chemistry (149)
CHN - Chinese (4)
CHT - Chemical Technology (18)
CI - Curriculum & Instruction (270)
CIDH - Curr Inst Deaf/Hard of Hearing (10)
CIEC - Curr Inst Educa Computing (29)
CIME - Curr & Inst Math Educa (33)
CIRG - Curr & Inst Reading Educa (49)
CIS - Computer & Information Science (88)
CISE - Curr & Inst Science Educa (25)
CISL - Curr & Inst Second Lang (15)
CISP - Curr Inst Special Ed (84)
CIVI - Curr & Inst Visually Impaired (21)
CJ - Criminal Justice (132)
CL - Classics (73)
CLA - Clinical Assistant (18)
CLS - Clinical Lab Sciences (40)
CM - Community Medicine (27)
CMM - Communication Studies (116)
COGS - College Grad Studies (1)
COL - College Studies (9)
COM - Communications-MCTC (31)
COMM - Communications-South Chas (20)
COUN - Counseling (255)
CPSY - CPSY (16)
CR - Counseling (145)
CS - Computer Science (53)
CSD - Comp Science & Software Devel (70)
CSE - Control Systems Engineering (27)
CT - Computer Technology (46)
CTC - Community & Technical College (2)
CTCS - Comm Tech College Teaching (12)
CULS - Cultural Studies-Humanities (26)
CVLE - Civil Engineering (18)
CVS - Cardiovascular Services (2)
CYT - Cytotechnology (18)
DAN - Dance (24)
DED - Staff Development (56)
DLT - Dental Lab Technician (5)
DRAM - Drama (2)
DTS - Dietetics (51)
E&S - Engineering and Science (16)
EC - Economics MCTC (2)
ECE - Early Childhood Education (24)
ECN - Economics (104)
ECON - Economics (16)
ED - Elementary/Secondary Education (124)
EDA - Educational Administration (82)
EDAD - ED AD (100)
EDCM - Educational Computing (20)
EDF - Educational Foundations (83)
EDL - Educational Leadership (80)
EDM - Educational Media (79)
EDU - Education (6)
EDUC - Early Childhood Education MCTC (15)
EE - Electrical Engineering (43)
EFL - English As Foreign Language (4)
EG - General Engineering (14)
EGT - Engineering Technology (26)
ELS - English Language Study (6)
ELT - Electronic Technology (32)
EM - Engineering Management (43)
EME - Emergency Medical Technology (22)
EMS - Emergency Medical Services (9)
ENG - English (266)
ENGR - Engineering & Science (70)
ENL - English MCTC (24)
ENM - Engineering Mechanics (5)
ENVE - Environmental Engineering (47)
ES - Environmental Science (116)
ESS - Exercise Science and Sport (141)
ET - Emergency Medical Training (2)
FA - Fine Arts (2)
FAC - Financial Aid Consortium (2)
FCH - Family Community Health (54)
FCS - Family & Consumer Sciences (175)
FIN - Finance (105)
FN - Finance MCTC (19)
FPM - Family Practice Medicine (31)
FRN - French (74)
FS - Fire Science Technology (21)
FSC - Forensic Science (39)
FYS - First-Year Seminar (2)
GEO - Geography (132)
GER - German (51)
GLY - Geology (89)
GRK - Greek (36)
HCA - Health Care Administration (42)
HE - Health Education (45)
HEC - Home Economics (151)
HI - Hospitality Industries (18)
HIST - Historical Studies-Humanities (26)
HIT - Health Information Technology (22)
HM - Hospitality Management (33)
HMN - Humanities MCTC (16)
HON - Honors (30)
HOS - Hospitality Services (17)
HP - Health Professions (22)
HRM - Human Resource Management (12)
HS - Health Science (91)
HST - History (221)
HUM - HUM (2)
HUMA - HUMA (18)
HUMN - Humanities (33)
ID - Interior Design (21)
IDM - Interdisciplinary Medicine (27)
IE - Industrial Engineering (45)
IER - Industrial Employee Relations (17)
IESA - IESA (40)
INT - International Affairs (2)
IR - Industrial Relation (35)
IS - Information Systems (103)
ISC - Integrated Sciences (19)
ISM - Industrial Supervision Mgt (36)
IST - Integrated Sci & Technology (124)
IT - Information Technology (73)
ITL - Instruct Tech-Library Science (88)
IW - Inland Waterways (7)
JMC - Journalism & Mass Comm. (147)
JPN - Japanese (30)
JRN - Journalism (99)
KYV - Kentucky Virtual (6)
LAS - Legal Assistant (25)
LAT - Latin (84)
LCOB - Lewis College of Business (2)
LE - Legal Environment (7)
LEAP - Learning English Academic Prep (1)
LITS - Literary Studies-Humanities (30)
LL - Language & Literature (26)
LM - Library Media (2)
LS - Leadership Studies (137)
MA - Medical Assistant (8)
MAC - Medical Academic Computing (2)
MAT - Mathematics-MCTC (40)
MATH - Mathematics (42)
MCB - Microbiology (26)
MDC - Medical Curriculum (10)
MDL - Modern Languages (9)
MDT - Medical Technology (18)
MED - Medicine (45)
MEDI - Media (8)
MFE - Manufac Engineering Tech (15)
MG - Management MCTC (30)
MGT - Management (132)
MI - Medical Imaging (57)
MIL - Military Activation Override (1)
MIS - Management Information Systems (45)
MIT - Mining Technology (31)
MK - Marketing MCTC (5)
MKE - Marketing Education (54)
MKT - Marketing (81)
MLT - Medical Lab Technician (19)
MPNA - Mgt Prac Nurse Anesthesia (27)
MRT - Medical Record Technology (14)
MS - Military Science (44)
MSF - Mine Safety (56)
MT - Manufacturing Engin Technology (39)
MTEC - Multi-Craft Technology MCTC (6)
MTH - Mathematics (166)
MULT - Multidisciplinary Studies (1)
MUS - Music (557)
MUSI - Music (2)
NEU - Neurology (6)
NSE - National Student Exchange (1)
NUR - Nursing (151)
OBG - Obstetrics/Gynecology (20)
OD - Occupational Development (14)
OPH - Ophthalmology (1)
ORT - Orthopaedics (5)
OSH - Occupational Safety & Health (17)
OT - Office Technology (40)
PA - Public Administration (47)
PAR - Paramedic Science (19)
PAT - Painters Apprentice Training (43)
PCM - Primary Care Medicine (2)
PE - Physical Education (205)
PED - Pediatrics (28)
PEL - Phys Ed Lifetime Activities (59)
PH - Public Health (42)
PHAR - Pharmacy (25)
PHIL - Philosophy (8)
PHL - Philosophy (87)
PHS - Physiology (24)
PHT - Pharmacy Tech (17)
PHY - Physics (109)
PHYS - Physics (1)
PLS - Parks & Leisure Services (98)
PLT - Public Library Technology (26)
PMC - Pharmacology (23)
PPE - Paraprofessional in Education (2)
PREB - For Pre Banner Transfer Hours (1)
PRT - Portuguese (4)
PS - Physical Science (55)
PSC - Political Science (180)
PSI - Psychiatry (26)
PST - Police Science Technology (29)
PSY - Psychology (197)
PSYC - Psychology (128)
PT - Physical Therapy (53)
PTA - Physical Therapy Assistant (27)
PTH - Pathology (11)
PUB - PUB (14)
QA - Quality Assurance (12)
QUAN - Quantitative Analysis (11)
RAD - Radiology (6)
RDNG - Reading Education (91)
RE - Real Estate (3)
REA - Reading (15)
RES - Real Estate (2)
RS - Radiographic Science (21)
RSP - Respiratory Care (36)
RST - Religious Studies (73)
SA - Studies Abroad (4)
SCI - Science (18)
SED - Safety Education (107)
SES - Secretarial Studies (51)
SFT - Safety Technology (92)
SOC - Sociology (167)
SOS - Social Studies (58)
SPA - Speech Pathology and Audiology (69)
SPED - Special Education (126)
SPH - Speech (218)
SPN - Spanish (122)
SPSY - School Psychology (26)
SS - Social Studies-MCTC (24)
SUR - Surgery (27)
SWK - Social Work (49)
TE - Technology and Engineering (20)
TEC - Technicial Support Courses (4)
THE - Theatre (103)
TM - Technology Management (24)
TS - Technical Studies (10)
TTA - Technical Training for Adults (1)
UH - University Honors (11)
UNI - University Studies (5)
VTE - Vocational-Technical Education (81)
WFD - Workforce Development (113)
WMTH - Math Workshop (2)
WS - Women's Studies (9)
YGS - Yeager Scholars (4)
ZOO - Zoology (37)